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7 Super Simple Ways To Have A Best-Selling Package Design That Becomes Your Best Salesperson And Avoid Lost Sales

Free Report Reveals How to get your package to 'STAND OUT' on the shelf!

Are You Worried About Your Competition Getting the Sale Instead of You?

This Package Design System will get the consumer to notice your product package, stand out from the competition, and stop your product from collecting dust on the shelf.

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Meet Derryl Kostynuik

Founder/CEO of Pencilworks Studios Ltd.

I specialize in helping food companies dominate the market.

There are so many ‘me-too’, ‘blend-in’ and ‘boring’ food packaging and not enough ‘Stand-out’ package designs in the marketplace. Sadly a great deal of these packages do not do their jobs effectively in ‘selling themselves’. It does not have to be this way. It is my mission to change the way packaging presents itself on the shelf by becoming their best salesperson, so you can truly enjoy the benefits of increased sales and the consumer enjoy the benefits of the products that they purchase.

If you really want to make more sales, a best-selling package design, and stand-out from the competition then I can definitely help you.



How do you get the attention of buyers and impress them with your products?

With outstanding packaging that jumps off the shelves and into your buyers shopping cart.

Your packaging must speak for itself by informing your buyers of the experience and benefits they will receive of ownership when they buy what you have to offer.

Imagine your package design ‘standing-out’ on the shelf so it attracts more customers, increases sales and makes more money than they have ever made before … even in this horrible economy.

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  • Your package has only 2.1 seconds to get noticed so you get the sale
  • A recent study completed by the Haskayne School of Business revealed 64% of shoppers notice great packaging
  • Poor packaging costs you sales
  • ​Effective packaging is frequently a determinant of product quality
  • ​53% of shoppers say bright attractive colors draw their attention to a product
  • ​33% of shoppers are inclined to reject a product when they don’t like the label or package
  • ​​60% of shoppers are unlikely to buy a product when the label or package doesn’t provide enough information

A strong, creative design can turn even the most insignificant item into something desirable and sell it at an attractive price point for consumers looking to buy their desired goods on sale!

A great and effective package design makes the "sale" for you by dynamically presenting the content and benefits of what it contains. Our 7 Step ‘Stand-Out’ Packaging System uses a proven process that has already benefited, other business owners. In fact, it has been so successful that one of our clients sells a package every 45 seconds and another has now become the leader in their product category.


Blending in will cause your product to disappear on the self, thus losing a potential sale. Here are a few examples of stand-out packaging we have designed.

Solves Strips

Dissolvable Health Strips Complete Product Line Package Design

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Pupper Select

Fresh Frozen Dog Food - Complete Product Line Label Design

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Alberta Cheese

Logo Brand Design and Complete Product Line Design

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KFS Rx Meals

Keto Coating Mixes. Complete Product Line Package Design

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KFS Rx Meals

Keto Sauces - Complete Product Line Label Design

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Pitas Foods

Falafel and Hummus Packaging  Complete Product Line Design

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Chef Wong's Kitchen

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Pappy's Pub Classics

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Whisper Chocolate

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Vitality Teas

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging. Tea Packaging and Chai Tea Bottles

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Ground's Keeper's Pride

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Horizon Pet Food

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Beauty Legacy

Product Packaging and Label Design

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Almandine Wellness

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Ginger Beef Choice

Product Packaging

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Havsum Beverages

Laffs Logo Brand Design and Vodka Water Product Labels

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Lost Horn Vinyards

Logo Brand Design, Wine Labels and Toppers

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Gold Top Organics

Organic Grain Packaging

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Let's turn your package into your best salesperson!

Go ahead... Click the "YES" button

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How Does Your Packaging  Evaluate?

Have you ever had your packaging professionally reviewed or analyzed?

Unfortunately, most companies haven’t and they’re leaving tens of thousands of dollars on the table as distributors look past their product - unnoticed. Their package is collecting dust instead of making the sale. Our Packaging Evaluation Assessment will show you how your package stacks up.

This Packaging Evaluation Assessment looks at the 7 key elements of a stand-out, ‘ best-selling’ package. Each element is scored and you are provided with a total score in an evaluation report. This evaluation report will inform you of the strengths and weaknesses (if any) of your package.

Yes, I Want My Packaging Evaluated

Fill out the form below and click the "YES" button. We will contact you to arrange an evaluation.

DerrylK_LinkedIn jpg

Meet Derryl Kostynuik

Founder/CEO of Pencilworks Studios Ltd.

I specialize in helping food companies dominate the market.

There are so many ‘me-too’, ‘blend-in’ and ‘boring’ food packaging and not enough ‘Stand-out’ package designs in the marketplace. Sadly a great deal of these packages do not do their jobs effectively in ‘selling themselves’. It does not have to be this way. It is my mission to change the way packaging presents itself on the shelf by becoming their best sales person, so you can truly enjoy the benefits of increased sales and the consumer enjoy the benefits of the products that they purchase.

If you really want to make more sales, a best-selling package design, and stand-out from the competition then I can definitely help you.

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How do you get the attention of buyers and impress them with your products?

With outstanding packaging that jumps off the shelves and into your buyers shopping cart.

Your packaging must speak for itself by informing your buyers of the experience and benefits they will receive of ownership when they buy what you have to offer. Imagine your package design ‘standing-out’ on the shelf so it attracts more customers, increases sales and makes more money than they have ever made before … even in this horrible economy.

Facts on Packaging

  • Your package has only 2.1 seconds to get noticed so you get the sale
  • A recent study completed by the Haskayne School of Business revealed 64% of shoppers notice great packaging
  • Poor packaging costs you sales
  • ​Effective packaging is frequently a determinant of product quality
  • 53% of shoppers say bright attractive colors draw their attention to a product
  • ​33% of shoppers are inclined to reject a product when they don’t like the label or package
  • 60% of shoppers are unlikely to buy a product when the label or package doesn’t provide enough information

A strong, creative design can turn even the most insignificant item into something desirable and sell it at an attractive price point for consumers looking to buy their desired goods on sale!

A great and effective package design makes the "sale" for you by dynamically presenting the content and benefits of what it contains.

Our 7 Step ‘Stand-Out’ Packaging System uses a proven process that has already benefited, other business owners. In fact, it has been so successful that one of our clients sells a package every 45 seconds and another has now become the leader in their product category.

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How Does Your Packaging Evaluate?

Small Call to Action Headline

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias,numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt,recusandae.


Blending in will cause your product to disappear on the self, thus losing a potential sale. Here are a few examples of stand-out packaging we have designed.

Solves Strips

Dissolvable Health Strips Complete Product Line Packaging

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Pupper Select Dog Food

Fresh Frozen Dog Food Complete Product Label Design

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Alberta Cheese

Logo Brand Design and Complete Product Line Design

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KFS Rx Meals

Keto Coating Mixes - Complete Product Line Packaging

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KFS Rx Meals

Keto Sauces - Complete Product Label Design

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Pitas Foods

Falafel and Hummus Packaging Complete Product Line Design.

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Chef Wong's Kitchen

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Pappy's Pub Classics

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Horizon Pet Food

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Beauty Legacy

Product Packaging and Label Design

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Almandine Wellness

Logo Brand Design and Product Packaging

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Ginger Beef Choice

Product Packaging

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Havsum Beverages

Logo Brand Design and Spiked Water Product Packaging

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Lost Horn Vinyards

Logo Brand Design, Wine Labels and Toppers

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Canada Teas

Tea Packaging and Chai Tea Bottles

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Let's turn your package into your best salesperson!

Go ahead... Click the "YES" button


Misconception 1.  If I like the package design, so will my customer.

It is important that your personal taste does not influence the package design in a way that would make it less appealing to your target audience, as this could lead to lost sales.

Package design should be created with the target audience in mind in order to maximize shelf appeal and increase sales opportunities.

Misconception 2. Customers don’t care what my package looks like, they buy it because my product is good.

The initial purchase of a product is based on what is offered on the package or what the package looks like. There are consumers who are willing to try a product for the first time, but the second purchase is made because they liked your product.

What about potential customers who have never purchased your product? If they never see or notice it, they will never know how good it is.
Even if your product is seen, does your package compel the consumer to pick it up? When picked up, there's a greater chance of being placed in cart.

Misconception 3. People only buy the cheapest priced product.

What, if anything, makes your product different from your competitors as perceived by your targeted prospects and customers? For a great majority of businesses that answer may be the price. But is that the right answer? Consider these Market Dominating Position examples.

•  Nike, Starbucks, Tim Horton's, and A&W Restaurants have all staked out specific and targeted market-dominating positions.
•  Nike is perceived as being the best athlete with hip and stylish products of quality.
•  Starbucks is known for their delicious hand-crafted beverages which they claim make life better.
•  Tim Horton's coffee is geared towards the blue-collar customer looking for a good deal on their everyday cup of coffee.
•  A&W Restaurants offers hormone-free and antibiotic free burgers to food conscious consumers concerned about additives in their food at
a higher price than competitors.

Misconception 4. Package design is expensive.

Compared to what? Consider this example. Let’s say that one of your products sells for $3 in a chain of 50 stores. One lost sale per store per day adds up to $150 (50 x $3) per day. Multiply that daily loss over the year and you have lost $54,750! The investment for a best-selling package design would have been a fraction of the lost cost sales figure. In fact, imagine the impact of a best-selling package would have been by increasing your sales by one more sale per day per store. Your increase would be $54,750, a swing of $109,500. So, your return on investment can be quite attractive. By this example, your cost NOT to have a best-selling package design is much more expensive.

Misconception 5. What if I don’t like your design ideas?

Remember the objective and job of your package design is to SELL YOUR PRODUCT to your target market. You are already sold on your product, that’s why you are offering it to the public. I know retail store owners who sell products in their store, that doesn’t appeal to their taste, but their customers buy those products because they love them. Just like we have different tastes in music or food, our eye towards design differs too.

Packaging design is a detailed process that requires a lot of checks and balances along the way to ensure a successful package. This is where my 7 Step ‘Best-Selling’ Package Design System kicks in. It starts with defining your Unique Value Proposition (UVP) and unique features or ingredients. Defining what makes you and your product different from your competition is called positioning.

The designs that are presented to you are based on your product position, the in-context and in-store research, and analysis that is done for your product. The result is to create and design a ‘best-selling’ package design for you so you get deeper product brand awareness and increased sales. The package designs presented are based on sound objective data and not subjective personal opinions. 

Misconception 6. The printer can design my package just as well and they don’t charge for it.

There are print companies that can design your package and some will even include the design cost as part of the print cost. Although this looks appealing from an initial dollar outlay, your sales results can be less than what you expected.

Some print companies will include the design of your package, but these fees are calculated into the overall print reproductions cost. So, your package is never designed for free. The printer needs to pay for its design costs somehow.

One very, very important point I want to make about in-house printer design services. Ask this question; What is their ‘best-selling’ package design system? What kind of research do they do? Do they merely look at examples on the internet or do they thoroughly analyze your product package in-store and in-context of the competition? Chances are that they don’t provide that deep level of research, audit, and analysis. I don’t ever like to see a package fail to sell. Ask yourself this, what are the results I want to achieve with my package and then make your decision accordingly. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

Misconception 7. I sell an industrial or a non-retail product so I don’t need a great package design.

You may think that since your product isn’t being sold in a retail setting, but directly to a business or for commercial use, that your product doesn’t need a best-selling package design. In this case, the package is best used to tell or prepare your customer for what they are about to experience with your product. This will happen through great packaging.

There are countless examples of how this happens in the marketplace. For example, electronic products use this type of packaging. Apple products are masters at this. We all have seen what Apple products, like the iPhone, look like and their unique features. Their products are initially marketed without the use of packaging until you buy it. Their product is then put in an elegantly designed package that offers you a high-value experience as you open their package. Their package is purposely designed to tell you what you bought was worth every penny. Would your value of an iPhone be less if you received a plain cardboard box? Absolutely! A properly design package will bring higher value and worth to your product too.

Does Your Marketing Tell Your Story In A Way That Gets Attention?

How do you get that attention? By using the Marketing Conversion Equation Evaluator. This evaluator uses 5 key areas to make sure your marketing message is noticed and gets the response you want.

Do you need help marketing your company? Are you looking for a creative and unique way to get your message out there? We are experts in marketing design and writing, and we can help you create a campaign or sales funnel that will engage and excite your target audience.

Work with a team of talented writers and designers that will work with you to create a campaign that is tailored to your specific needs. Every company deserves a unique and effective marketing strategy dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. That's what great creative can do for you.

Below are a few examples of what have been done for others.

BW Technologies by Honeywell

International Marketing Materials including multi language brochures and promotional postcards.

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International Marketing Materials consisting of product and service brochures.

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Alberta Cheese Company

Marketing Materials consisting of logo brand design, promotional posters, product sales sheets, website and postcards.

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Solves Strips

International Marketing Materials consisting of product brochures.

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GSL Chev City

"Stop On A Dime" Direct Mail Campaign

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Nascor International

International & Local Marketing Materials consisting of home plan book, technical guides, promotional posters, ads, and product sales sheets.

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This is what others are saying about Pencilworks...

Wouldn't you like to have a story like these?

Derryl Kostynuik from Pencilworks Studios has made such a dramatic difference for our packaging that our sales have risen dramatically in these past 12 months. Their product portfolio now pops on retail shelves standing out amongst our plain competitors. Solve Strips packaging visibility has generated International recognition and attention that is opening up new markets and generating sales for them.

Derryl understands the convergence of packaging design, marketing and sales. His insight into how consumers perceive product value is now translated through our new packaging designs.

Michael K. Innosol Health Corp

At first, I thought packaging design fees were expensive, until I considered the cost of NOT having my packaging designed to be my best salesperson. If my package didn’t do its job at selling, then my competition would be stealing my business. Our investment with Derryl has been a profitable one for us.

We now have packaging that has expanded our market share, increased our revenues and deepened our brand awareness. I also know that Derryl is there to happily and gratefully serve us.

Franca P, Alberta Cheese Company

I tried a cheaper way with my first package, and it cost me in lost sales. What did I do? I called Derryl from Pencilworks to create my new package this time. His knowledge and expertise of packaging revealed that my package that was not Government compliant and it also contained a UPC code that wasn’t even mine! I was shocked!

I am thrilled to say that my new product package is outstanding and is more than making up for the sales I lost before. I have sold out my first product run faster than I have ever done before. I suggest getting your package designed the right way the first time and Derryl is the one to design it for you.

Torill M. President Torill’s Table

Derryl has helped to evolve the company's packaging, making it more effective and helping the consumer to easily identify the brand on crowded shelves.

Our growth has been so substantial that we can proudly say we sell a package of our foods somewhere in North America every 45 seconds on average.

The launch of Horizon Pet Food has exceeded expectations, and Derryl has been an instrumental creative partner in developing the brand.

Jeff E. President Horizon Pet Nutrition

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  • ​Number one: You'll have this new Identity
  • Number twoWe stand for X
  • Number threeYou'll be part of the X Group
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Copyright  2024 Pencilworks Studios Ltd